The Association represents and acts in the interest of the resident’s of Foxon Close. 

As a resident, the main role is to protect and enjoy the quality and amenities of Foxon Close, Caterham.


The FCRA is a voluntary organisation working on behalf of the residents of Foxon Close. The aim of the association is to ensure that residents have a strong meaningful voice on matters that have an impact on their community.

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The History.

Our history is an important part of the continual management and maintenance of the development. Learn about the history of the Brockwood Management Company Limited and how it works with residents to bring a fair and equal platform for residents.

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Moving to Foxon Close?

Our voluntary directors will be able to deal with any conveyancing enquiries regarding the sale and purchase of property in our estate. As a new home owner you will be warmly welcomed and the Directors are more than happy to make themselves available for any queries you may have about the development.


“The FCRA website is a great platform to bring home owners together to discuss the wellbeing and upkeep of such a special development for residents.”